Tuesday, February 5, 2019


An excerpt from PASSION, an unpublished romance Fio wrote several years ago 

The timer sang out and Sigrid retrieved the pizzas from the microwave, then set a single place at the table and put a couple of ice cubes in the tall glass beside the plate.
Right on time, Mik emerged from the hall, sauntered over to the dining table, and braced a hand on the back of a chair.
“You’ve changed your clothes,” she blurted out.  Clean Levi’s and a fresh white pullover did a lot for him.  Too much.  Her skin prickled.  Damn.  She had to get him out of here quick.
“And I’ve washed my hair and shaved.”  He stroked his jaw, then swept his hands through his dark, shoulder-length hair to push it behind his ears.  “Nothing’s too good for you, babe.”
Damn.  He knew how to hit her buttons.
“I’ve told you, don’t call me . . . where—where did you get those jeans?  I don’t have any men’s clothes in the bathroom.” 
He raised his eyebrows, then gave her a sly look. “I carry extras in my backpack, but am I to assume from what you say that there are men’s clothes stored elsewhere in the condo?  Are you living with someone now, Sigrid?  Will our little tete-a-tete be interrupted by a jealous lover?”
She managed a small, tight smile but her voice was colder than the ice in his glass.  “In the first place, Mik, this is not a romantic rendezvous, and in the second place, it’s none of your business if I have a lover.  I don’t have to answer to you.  We’re divorced.”
“Just curious.”  He shrugged, then made a big production of sampling the air.  “Is that dinner I smell?  A homemade meal?”  He cocked an eye at her.  “Welcoming the prodigal husband?”
“Don’t get too excited.  It’s Lean Cuisine frozen pizza.”
“Mmmmm--one of my favorites.”  He smacked his lips.  “You always were a great cook, babe.”
She gave him a darkling glance. “And you were always a great eater, babe.
“Ouch!  Touché.  I guess I really packed on the pounds after we got married.  Was that why you left?  Didn’t like the love handles?”
“Cut it out, Mik.  Why are you being such a smartass? You know exactly why I left.  You were an indolent slob without an ounce of ambition except to win Resident Evil and drink yourself to death, and I finally had enough of it.”
He whistled mockingly.  “That’s really laying it on the line.”
God, couldn’t he just shut up?  She added the salad bowl to the table and pulled a plastic container of green jasmine out of the refrigerator.
His eyes danced as she poured the tea into his glass.  “Iced tea?  You don't have anything stronger?”
She gave him a dirty look.  “Not for you.  Now, sit down.”
He glanced at the single table setting and one dark eyebrow arched.
“And where are you going to sit?”
“I’ll eat later, after you’re gone.”
His pale eyes narrowed to ominous slit, he smiled that slow, sexy smile that had always sent hot shivers down her spine, and his voice turned honey smooth.  “Babe, if you want me to leave at any time ever, you’d better set a place for yourself and join me for dinner.” 

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