Monday, December 10, 2018

From Science to Obsolescence

You know how they tell you in physics class that a circle is composed of minute straight lines? Well, Fiorella totally rejected that theory, which is probably why she never went far in the sciences (although she did see the potentials of DNA before it went big.)
The title of any autobiography Fiorella would write would be titled  Born That Way because--well--the girl can't help it.
Fio doesn't believe in "the power of prayer," a phrase which intimates that God is counting the votes.
When the time comes, Fiorella doesn't think her death will matter to anyone beyond friends and family, but she hopes her life will have had a positive impact somewhere along the line.
Electronics have changed the social environment. Thus, stories Fio wrote as little as ten years ago are out of date. Sad.


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