Sunday, October 28, 2018

Dog, Politics, Children, Meds, Mirror

Donde esta mi lista? Fiorella asks, knowing full well that, with unerring aim, Sonia Dog has plopped a substantial haunch down on it, maybe with the newspaper under her other haunch. Por que? Fio no sabe.
The attitude of Trump and tribe seems to to be "I've got mine, but I want yours too."
One thing Fiorella and Husband did right was bring up kids who love little children. Daughter and Older Son are adoring uncle and aunt to Younger Son's toddler.
It's turns out that the veterinarian gave Husband the same ointment for Sonia Dog's eyes that the ophthamalagist gave Fio for hers. As far as Fiorella can tell, it's basically Neosporin, but costs a lot  more.
Speaking of ointments, Fiorella leaned too close to the bathroom mirror this morning and discovered that her face looks like a well-traveled road map. Maybe she'd better dig that Sephora stuff out of the waste basket and give it a try.

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