Thursday, October 12, 2017

Perspective,Facebook, Nature/Nurture, Milk, Trump Opera.

Mother spent most of her married life in her house, by choice. Fiorella has spent most of her life in her car, not by choice. Mother lived in a world that was much too small, but Fio lives in a world that is w-a-y too big.
Strangely, Fio seems to have a lot more free time now that she's cut back on her Facebook visits. Can't figure it out.
Fiorella grew up in an era when nurture was considered to be more important than nature. The scales have tipped now, of course, but Fio thinks nurture is important. Maybe it doesn't form the child, but it does influence him.
Milk was the beverage of choice in Fio's family so her teen-age rebellion was to drink Cokes, but now she's made the complete circle and is back to what her father called 'Nature's most nearly perfect food." Not for the lactose-intelerant, of course, but remember, Fio is of the lactose-persistent variety.
Some lines for Fio's Trump opera:

I tell them what they want to hear
Whatever it is that makes them cheer
Then, my honey,
I'll bet you money
I'll be your president next year

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