Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Solutions and Declarations

Sonia Dog started out sleeping on the floor beside Fiorella's bed in a puppy-size crate, then moved on to a mastiff-size one, then insisted the crate wasn't big enough and its door needed to be left open, then hopped into bed with Fio and slept at her feet, then pushed Fio out of bed so she could have more room. Now Fio is thinking of getting herself a crate. With a lock.
 Axovant's new Alzheimer's drug doesn't work any better than anyone else's. Obviously, something is going on in the Alzheimer brain that no one can quite put a finger on. Time to think outside the box.
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) who "took a knee" in Congress: "I KNEEL because I am going to STAND gainst racism."💓
Fio is in sorrow over everything that is happening in DC now, but a tiny part of her rejoices over the material she's getting for her Trump opera. Just think--a chorus of dancing footballers, a Trump-Kim Jung Un duet ("Anything you can bomb, I can bomb better..."), with a background Mueller padding around in the background.
But Fio, you say, WHAT ABOUT PHILLIPA? Well, she's on her way again. Fio's getting her life back in order (translation: Baby Car rejoined the family yesterday afternoon) and is about to start her revision of chapter sixteen. This is just the fourth revision, which means there are at least three more to come, but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

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