Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fiorella Staggers On

Austin son, wfe and child visited yesterday and Fiorella was thrilled. Baby is wiggling around, making noises, and responding to everything now. Fio got to hold her a lot, and she didn't even wince at her grandmother's Halloween face. The same can't be said of Son. He kept telling Fiorella how awful she looked.
Later in the afternoon, after they had left, Fiorella grabbed the pruners and went outside, but her limited  vision, the heavy heat, and a determined mosquito drove her back inside again.Then, in the evening, she ran her hand across the remains of the dried blood butterfly gauze and accidentally hooked her finger in it, pulling enough of the bandage loose than her wound started to bleed again. Pressure and a Hello Kitty bandaid took care of the situation, but Fio is doing her best to move around as little as possible.
It's twenty days now since Fio has been able to work on her novel, and she is not happy about the time loss. Each day that passes, she's losing touch with Phillipa and Bram. Wish her well.

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