Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Notes, Trump, Spanish, Vision

Fio spent a couple of hours yesterday labeling several pages of notes she'd jotted down to use in her books, poems, and future blogs. Today she'll devote another couple of hours to labeling the rest of the pages. Yes, Fiorella has enough material to last her forever. YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE FROM HER CLUTCHES.
The storms and wildfires seem to be mostly hitting the red states. Hmmm...is God trying to send a message to Trump?
Fio is still enjoying Mi Marido Tiene Familia. An interesting side romance is the one between Daniela and Gabriel. She's standoffish and antagonistic, and he's handsome, sexy, and determined. Actually their antics are more fun than the main story.
Fio's eyes are still bothering her, and she's heading off to the doctor today to make sure it's okay for her to begin dislodging the wad of gauze shadowing her right eye that which makes it hard for her to read and write. Sorry about the typos that got through.

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