Friday, August 18, 2017

Spanish, Hate, Miata

Well, Fiorella,you say, how is the Spanish coming along?
Not as quickly as I had hoped, of course, but I've finally found a reliable source for the conjugation of los verbos, although most of my new palabras are now gleaned up from context. Our yardman taught me hormigos de fuego--fire ants--yesterday, I picked up tranquila from my telenovela, and I've been composing simple sentence to myself.based on Spanish-language commercials. All of this has meant that I understand a bit more what los actores on La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo are saying.
The plain truth of the upsurgeance in hate groups is that many people don't think things through. They just  jump on the loudest band wagon that comes to town and get caught up in the mob mentality, then don't know how to get out without losing face.
Fio's baby car is in the shop again. She doesn't remember what friend Richard told her the problem is, but the cost will be $1,100 to fix. Fio is not happy. Her budget wasn't expecting a hit like this.

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