Sunday, June 1, 2014

Importunate Choice

Poet t.s. eliot may have been an expert on naming cats, but Fiorella knows all about naming dogs.

The most important thing is give your dog a name you are comfortable with, one that you can use to call him/her home.  Names like Tina and Bella and Sandy and Hugo and Wendy and--well--Sonia.  Not a name like Freelove Nicklebeer, which Husband and Fio, in their university days, imposed upon a poor, helpless beagle puppy.  It referred to a UT student rallying cry of old--"Free love on campus and nickle beer in the Student Union"--and Fio thought it had a good rhythm.

She was not as enthralled by her choice when puppy went missing and she had to stand in the middle of the street shrieking, "Freelove!  Freelove!"

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