Sunday, June 29, 2014


Act I: Fiorella gets medical injections every three months, but Office Scheduler does not set up appointment until after medicine arrives in office, and Pharmacy does not release medicine until after appointment is made.  Fiorella calls Doctor's personal line to report situation, later receives  notification from obviously disgruntled Office Scheduler of an immediate appointment.  When Fiorella attends appointment, she and Doctor bypass Scheduler and fix date for next appointment.

Act II:  Fiorella calls Doctor's office a month early to confirm time, is informed by Secondary Scheduler that she has no appointment because her medication has not  arrived. Fiorella protests that Doctor set appointment himself.  SS checks through notes and discovers Doctor's note, offers Fiorella an appointment the following week.  Fio accepts, but realizes she's in a continuing battle.

Act III:  In the wings.

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