Friday, May 4, 2012

Sonya Ponders

Arf!  Sonya Wenysdottir reporting in on Fiorella Plum.  Mommy's great about feeding me, even sprinkling little bits of treat in my kibble to appease my uber-discerning taste buds.  And she trusts me enough to let me run loose when we go up to the road to get the mail.

But I don't understand the arrangement of her limbs. I'm grateful that she has an extra set high on her body that enable her to open and close those pesky kiddie gates her mate has situated at key points around the house, but what exactly happened to her front legs?  Poor thing--now she has to balance, sometimes rather precariously, on just her hind ones. 

There's only one thing to do--I must smother her with slobbery kisses.  Arf!

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