Thursday, May 10, 2012


To Sonya Dog, Fiorella is Keeper of the Gates.  She controls the barriers that define Sonya's territory of the moment.  There's the one at the head of the stairs, which Fiorella opens for Sonya only at night so Baby Dog can have access to her personal boudoir, the roomy crate she sleeps in beside Fio and Husband's bed.  There's the one that Fiorella props up between the den and the dining room so Sonya won't be tempted to make deposits in that room or the living room.  There's the one Fio uses as needed to regulate Sonya's travel into the guest room, currently occupied by Son.  Then there's the door to the back yard, which Sonya, lacking a thumb, cannot operate.

But don't we all have boundaries of one sort or another?

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