Sunday, May 20, 2012


Fiorella had a wonderful experience yesterday.  She and Husband drove up to Waco, first to lay flowers on her parents' graves and tell them the latest news, then to visit the Mammoth Site.  Yes, Waco finally has something other than David Koresh to be famous for.  And, by the way, that raid on the Davidian compound was no surprise--the staff of the Holiday Inn, where the guvmnt  guys stayed, had picked up the date it was coming down, which meant half of Waco knew it too.  So did wives and friends as far away--and as near-- as Dallas, as one of those wives, a student of  Fio's a couple of years later, confided..

But Fio digresses.  What she wants to tell you about is the Waco Mammoth Site, which you must visit some day.  In 100 acres of lush, untamed parkland (also inhabited by a couple of wild boars), the Site is a large, arresting building constructed around a dig site, which means visitors can catch all the action in comfort.

Fio digresses again, because what she really wants to tell you about is her experience there.  She had her little tablet open and was making frantic notes and sketches from the second Husband pulled into the parking lot in front if the Welcome Center, where one buys the little shirt sticker that indicates to the guides one is paid up.   But Fio wanted more than a sticker.  She wanted info and an aerial plan of the set-up.

Now here's the good part.  "I write romances," she explained.  "And I have my characters visiting the Site."

I write romances.   Fiorella has never admitted it before without a qualification such as, "I'm writing a romance"--self-deprecatory titter--"but who knows if I'll ever get published."   This time she said it loud, said it proud. 

Yes.  Fio writes romances. 

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