Friday, February 19, 2010

Luxurious Awakening

For years Fiorella's brain commanded her to rise at the scream of a 5:45 a.m. alarm clock in order to wash, dress, eat, and be out the door in half an hour, then hit the highway.

Now she enjoys the luxury of taking a full hour to gradually awaken each morning, lying half asleep for a while--sorting out what was dream and what is real as her muscles react to the stirrings of a new day's adrenaline.

After a while, her eyes open to rosy-fingered dawn shyly lighting the horizon.

She lies in bed a little longer, enjoying the silence of morning. The alarm is shut off nowadays. Her body, not her brain, is what decides when she gets up.

Finally the moment comes: Arise, Fiorella--arise, shine.

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