Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Oh Lordy! Did Fio take her red, red pill or not? Whatever, she'll learn if she went overboard next week when she visits her doctor's office again. In the meantime, she'll continue to go her merry way and continue trying to get this weeks' load of poems, stories, etc. Sigh....if only drawings and paintings could be added on.....

Remember the Christmas song that Fiorella wrote long ago, the one she wasn't able to get out in time this year? Well, hallelujah, Fio found two more Christmas songs she wrote, and you can bet they'll be available next year, with maybe with even more songs! (PS: must find a good piano teacher!!!)

Changing the subject, your girl has a couple of buckets of old pill bottles that she doesn't know what to do with but doesn't want to throw into the trash. Make necklaces?

Did you know that Fiorella had her own newspaper a while back? It was called SUBURBAN NOTEBOOK and she not only solicited the local news, but took the pictures and did all the art. The cost of it, you ask? One dollar for one eight pages, which included not just neighborhood news, but also ads, a clever cartoon, a paper doll to cut out, and letters to the editor. Ah, those were the days....

Interestingly enough, Fiorella gathered all the news herself, even when she interviewed the over-handy traveling minister's son, who, as did his sleezy father, tried to give her the looking-deep-in-the-eyes job as well as the sitting-too-close-to-her job.  Good Lutheran girls know better!













 I wake up in the morning and cry

About all my days gone by

That never will again.....

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