Monday, January 22, 2024

Catching Up

 00PS! Today was supposed to be yesterday, but your girl will survive--remember, she's written down almost everything in her life so far.....

Right now, Fio is playing around with the idea of taking up piano again, partially to put her little piano to good use and partially to be able to play (and sing) the five Christmas songs Fiorella wrote way back when. Yeah, Fiorella cries a lot for all her compositions and designs that will never see the light of day. 

Sudden switch of subject: your girl has been watching Jessica  her TV faithfully. Now there's a widow who gets around! Fio has no interest in becoming a lady detective, but she would like to  make friends as easily as Angela Lansbury apparently does....

Your girl has been looking at her art room lately. She needs to get into painting again--not that there are any outside shows, but she needs to move around. She also needs should pull out her half-way written romances and see what she can do with them. 

Son L just presented Fio with a clutch of mail, which means it's tax time, dang it! (But if she had no taxes, that would mean that she has no bounty.....





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