Sunday, January 28, 2024


 OOPS! Fio did it again--forgot to push the "Publish" button. so you're going to get another load added on to yesterday's, which she forgot to post. It's a short story.


     "You're just trying to make me feel sorry for you," he said.

     "Oh." I pause. "I wasn't aware of that."  I search my conscience for my sin of commission or omission. Don't move. Don't think. Don't even blink.  Your voice--keep it calm and even. Don't let him know your heart is lurching in your chest, that your brain is spinning in shock. 

     Warning, warning, Will Robinson. Never let anyone know you're vulnerable. Daddy had always told her that they'll try to finish you off if they know you're down.

     And he was right. That was the year that she had lost not only a baby, half her eyesight, and her dissertation, but her supervisor had turned on her, and her husband had been fired from his job. 

Never relax your guard.







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