Monday, September 11, 2023


 A bit of plastic surgery about ten years ago----

    My name's Fiorell, I look like hell

    But I can't resist the urge to tell--

    My lids are red, my eyes are green

    The scariest Christmas you've ever seen --

     In fact, I look like Halloween!

 So I can hardly wait till I get healed

And my new look will be revealed--


Fifth day out: As autumn leaves turn to gold and the red on my lids is fading to yellow, nicely contrasting with the blue-colored stitches which, until yesterday, I thought were black. And as I check myself out in the bathroom mirror for the umpteenth time today, I remember that old saying--a watched eyelid never heals. Also, I cannot help but wonder if eyelid surgery is a gateway drug--in the distance, I hear the siren song of a browlift....


Suddenly, problems, problems, problems! Your girl decides to work on finishing off her giant 5x4 painting and she is attacked by a beautiful Siamese cat who is determined to lick her ears clean. Then the  yellow and red that Fio had bought as replacements turned out to be watery. Then Fiorella makes a stupid decision about one of the characters in the canvas. Ah, well--maybe all this bad ses today means all will be well tomorrow.  


GERMAN: Winter is the same in English and German, but the a the W sounds like a V. 

                   Sommer is obvious


With Ivanhoe still barking like a maniac, Moira walked to the door and opened it to a man in a heavy jacket holdng a vase of yellow flowers. He looked at the little envelope attatched to the vase.

"You Ms. Farrar?"


Flowers for you. He thrust the vase at her, stepped off the porch, and hustled back to his truck before Moira ciuld even say thank you, and who could blame him? The cold was biting and Ivanhoe sounded like he take a bite too. 

She closed the door and locked it carefully, then carried the bouquet to the kitchen, with Ivanhoe parading in front of her, his ruff stilll up.

Doggie settled on the throw rug as Moira opened the envelope and pulled out the note inside.

          Thinking of you.


Suddenly the dreary, sodden day seemed brighter, and the nightmare receded into the new day.


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