Friday, April 21, 2023


 It's amazing how quickly Fiorella can fill a waste paper basket, but yes, your girl is still sick--coughing and snorting sick, with mucus still plugging her nose--and (dang it) that second pill she got yesterday isn't supposed to be used until today after supper. So, honk, honk, please send good thoughts toward Fio's nose.

Meanwhile, Fiorella has been thinking--a very dangerous occupation for the world in general--but this time she is thinking  about churches in general. Your girl grew up Missouri Synod Lutheran, a relatively mild church back then with its outstanding negative being that women couldn't speak in the in the pulpit, etc. After a quick perusal of her handy computer, Fio has discovered that the synod of her youth has somewhat lifted its ban on women, but it's too late--your girl has already joined a more liberal synod.

Daughter-in-law asked Fio not to sneeze when she's in the kitchen because it can cause germs to spread, but, in the first place, Fiorella always tries to cover her sneeze with a napkin, toilet paper or her hand, and in the second place, once someone in a household contracts a germ, it's going to spread, no matter what! 

 Hmm....Son, Daughter-in-law, and Granddaughter travel outside the house more than Fiorella does,  which means one of them was the carrier!

Hmm 2....Why the heck has Fiorella written a whole blog about her runny nose? Is she planning a whole page on her health? Maybe a poetic voyage through her medical adventures?  (Will she include her scotched face lift?) TUNE IN TOMORROW!


1 comment:

Jan said...

Have you ever considered that you're allergic to the big white cat?