Sunday, April 2, 2023


 As you have probably guessed, Fiorella has been having a bad time lately--not even her clever plan for decorating the front house's front window for Easter with two fake bunny rabbits, a big batch of fake flowers for each side, and her beautiful India Indian shawl draped gracefully across the back of the scene has worked. Nothing to do but close herself into the piano room and try to screech up to that "f" she used to to fling about with such joyful abandon.

In times like theses, there's only one way for Fiorella to turn: to Flying High, her Christmas greeting from two years back. ENJOY!

     I cannot write a merry poem this year

Too much has happened in my life--

Uprooted in a home that I held dear

And now a widow, who was once a wife

   Change is not my forte, my options few--

 A clock cannot run backwards, nor can I,

Thus I must I must gird myself and start anew

To see how high my warming kite can fly

   Too late, they say, your day is almost done

Pull down your kite and rest yourself a while--

Go take a break from shining in the sun-- 

Enjoy yourself before your final mile,

    And as they lecture, I slip quiet by

    And launch my kite into the eager sky....


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