Friday, April 7, 2023

Movin' Along

It's cold outside so, of course, Fiorella took a nice walking along the cul-de-sac all alone--but then, she rarely sees anyone out on it even in the best of weather....

Inside the house, Fio is going through her cupboards and drawers and pulling out her many caches of half-finished poems and stories that she packed away when she sold her dream house four years ago. Now, if only she can just remember what wondrous plans she'd had for her new-found foundlings before they were stashed helter-skelter so long ago.

Actually, Fiorella is quite pleased with herself not just because she has found her old papers, but because doing so is one of her benchmarks toward a full life again. Yes, your girl is determined to have a full life again--family. music, art, writing, composition, languages, and all.

Two gorgeous Siamese cats rule the house where Fio now lives so she knows that it's impossible for her to bring a dog into the family now, but your girl hopes she has a nice, happy dog in her future. (She'd also like a nice, happy gentleman caller in her own future.

In the meantime, your girl is dealing with a family feud, which hurts her heart because she loves ALL her children.😟 😟😟




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