Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 Guess what...FIORELLA IS INTERNATIONAL! Her British friend Suzy called this morning and she and your girl talked for about a half-hour, even though Fio had a froggy throat and couldn't remember the names of her friend's grand children.

Your girl treasures her friends and followers. Their loyalty and encouragement has caused a major upswing in her climb back to her full and real self. 💗

By the way, if you want to read a good cowboy romance, try Where the Heart Leads, Fio's second book. Sure it's a romance, but Fio did lots of deep, deep research on all its other aspects too, from scandal to theater to murder. Hmm...maybe your girl should dive back into the romance writing scene again.

Hey--remember when Fiorella was besieged by two years worth of serious carpal-tunnel? Well, it looks like she's over the siege now, for which she gives thanks, but let's face it--her finger tips are still tingling a little and always will be.  (She's also allergic to the shine that is sometimes put in coverlets for beds, as Fio learned the hard way.) 

Question: In general, do people all over the world have about the same IQ?  If so, then we are all from the same beginning and the colors were painted on afterwords. 

See yah tomorrow!




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