Wednesday, March 22, 2023


 Son L has planned to drop Fio's Lutheran soul off at the Methodist's magnificent choir again, which hasn't worked so far because, although Fio has no objections (Lutheran and Methodist are practically brothers as far as your girl can tell) SHE STILL HAS THAT DANG COLD!! (How about another try at a throat specialist?)

For fellow sopranos who are wondering, your girt still has something of an F, but her G has been coughed away forever.😕

Really good news--Son L has said that this weekend, he is is going to take Fiorella--who has been whining for a couple of months about her glasses--down to the place in the mall where he picked up his new own glasses a couple of months ago.  (So many of your girl's problem would be quickly taken care of if she still drove.)

Fio has been totally bored today so  she dragged an old, only, and unfinished painting of her mother out of storage and will stare at it a while, then do what she can with it. Pray for both of us--your girl hasn't done a portrait in YEARS....

Later in the day: It worked! Fiorella still has her touch! Yes, your girl is leaping for joy! 

Even later in the day--another migraine. Maybe the new glasses will help.




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