Your girl is lying sideways on her bedroom (because there's no desk in the tiny room) and prowling through FaceBook, in which she's still somewhat behind. You will remember that Fio, once a FB queen--campaigned against Trump and his atrocious separation of migrant children from their families, so let's make sure that monstrous man never gets an opportunity to walk through the doors of the White House again!😡
Hip, hip, hooray! Fio's scale registered a loss of TWO pounds--unless they were just because she was still in her nightgown and had her clothes, shoes, and jewelry yet to go.....😕
Does Walmart sell Keds? Fiorella's faithful blue gallumpers have bitten the dust and she'd like to replace them. She also wants to pick up a pair of beige shoes in order to complete her wardrobe--for now. 😁
Hooray! Just went with Son L to pick up Granddaughter from kindergarten, and on the way, he urged your girl to be more assertive--like, she assumes, she was before Husband died and she herself nearly died from being iced in by Governor Abbott. (Not so sure Son L will like the new Fio.)
Unfortunately, we've had a split in our family, but Fiorella is hoping to bring everyone back together again at some point. Pray for us. 💗
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