Saturday, January 1, 2022

WOW! January 1, 2022

 Your girl, in a better mood than yesterday, finished Scotch-taping the rest of her collection of oak leaves in a whirlwind design on the inside her large front window. They start from one side of the bottom pane to the top, then twist around like a tornado to the topmost pane, then twirl into a spiral, like a question mark. Wonder if anyone will notice it?

Fio's alone today, which means she could get herself into a lot of trouble, but so far her only crime has been to track down a super-size ice cream bucket and ravage a full fourth of its contents.

What's next for Fio in this new year, you ask. Well, she wants to get better acquainted with her neighbors, finish up her adjustment to this new home and, at the same time, get out and about more so she can make new friends. And, of course, Lolly's story, as well as older manuscripts Fiorella is determined to get into print, are still hovering in the background.

2022, what a weird number, but not as weird as 2222, of which Fio will catch a glimpse only if she's marked as a reusable.

The child next door got sent over to borrow an egg so Fiorella actually will have had a bit of human contact before Son L and family return to the nest this evening. Your girl tried to make a few contacts by cell phone, but she must have been gone from the game too long because she was rejected.








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