Monday, January 3, 2022

Taking 2022 in Stride

Now that most of her immediate medical problems have been taken care of, Fiorella would like to have a go at her psychological hangups, old and new. She'd also like to get some good friends locally, reliable transportation, and (sigh) a Soaker Tub all her own. 

When Fio was waiting in line at the Walgreens pharmacy, Fio, being herself, struck up a conversation with the tall, elegantly-dressed older woman behind her who was sporting a sparkling silver mask. It turned out that Brigit was of German origin, but spoke some Russian also, which thrilled Fiorella to the core since at one time, she had sort of spoken both. Nevertheless, we had a great time (in English) laughing about the line up, and if your girl ever see her again, she'll try to get more acquainted. Maybe Brigit could be Fio's first new friend. 

On a more practical note, Fio's going to be calling the company that gave her an estimate on her clothes closet and, if nothing else, she'll get a light put in, which will be quite expen$ive by itself, meaning that raising the bars that are too low and and lowering the bars that are too high will have to wait until later. 

We live in a lucky age for little girls, one in which they can yell their heads off as they run back and forth inside the house. Your girl's own early childhood was spent trying to be quiet most of the day because daddy, who worked the night shift, was sleeping. 

Whoopee--Fio just discovered there are still a couple of bags of clothes in the garage that Fio and Son L brought home from their last trip to Pflugerville. Among them are a cord board pimpled with stickpins and a colorfully quilted bag full of her long-sleeved blouses. What else will she find in the garage tomorrow?






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