Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Same Old Story


 Sorry to be late, but it's the same old story--too much to do and too little to say. Yep, Fiorella's life is pretty dull these days, with no end in sight. The new house needs upgrades and so do Fio's allotted rooms, but most of the work will have to be done by people more muscular or more knowledgeable than she is.

Son L was kind enough to climb a ladder and hang the pictures of his maternal great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother above her big side window today. Your girl would like to get some other pictures up there on either side, but they will have to wait till she locates the rest of her boxes.

Daughter made a big mistake in putting off the day when she is coming over to pick up a couple of special items that she's had her eye on because that gave Fio time to add other things to her pile. Yes, your girl wants her pretties to have good homes.

Looking over the paintings that have emerged from the mess so far, Fiorella thinks she's going to have to do a little touching up. Maybe newspaper pages were not the best things with which to pack oil paintings 😞

Sleep well, my friends 💗









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