Saturday, May 29, 2021

Day Three

Did Fiorella tell you that Ellen was heavily involved politically? That she actually knew Stacey Abrams?

As well as more of Fio's clothes and the rest of her library, Son L will be U-hauling another load of Fiorella's artistic life back to the new house today. (This moving gig is the pits!)

Fiorella awoke to an acrid smell this morning so intense that she thought she'd be be joining Ellen sooner rather than later. With her heart beating at mach speed and her nose and mouth burning with flames, there was nothing to do but drink milk, milk, and more milk, then go outside and breathe deeply of the the clean morning air. 

Fio did a great job emptying the boxes designated for the studio, then getting their contents semi-arranged on the shelves. There's a lot more work left to do, but Fiorella feel more confident re her grand plan than she did a week ago.

 Ellen knew every aspect of Fiorella's life from when she was seven years old on. Who will be your girl's biographer now?



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