Monday, August 4, 2014

Enforced Time Off

Fiorella had a lot of house stuff to catch up on when she got home from the national RWA conference, which meant she got behind on her writing schedule.  So what was there to do but to write all Sunday afternoon?

But when she opened her documents file to her current masterpiece, the boldface, which Fio uses to call her attention to what she needs to look at again, seemed much too dark, and the documents pages seemed much too bright.  In fact, the whole room seemed too bright.  And every sound was an assault on Fio's ears. And the air was suffocatingly warm.  And she couldn't think.  And she didn't want to move.  Yes, Fiorella had  a migraine.  She doesn't get them very often and they're not as bad as some people's, but they are debilitating.

Oh well, today's another day.

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