Sunday, September 29, 2013

Too Busy

Stop the world!  Fiorella doesn't want to get off, but she does want a week or two to catch up.  Yes, she's overloaded again.  Now that the weather is cooler, she wants to work on the yard.  But she's also committed to sending her editor a sketch of a cover for Kinkaid House. And she needs to finish Lolly's story and start on a story bridging Laurel's story and Lolly's story, and write Sarah's story.  And she needs to get the painting up that Husband brought home from the office, but there's no room on the walls because Fio has the house plastered with art.

Fio also needs to do the physical therapy exercises that she's been shirking, and her vocal exercises, which she keeps putting off.  And she needs to find the three pairs of glasses she's lost, one of them brand new.  And she needs to clean up her desk and go through the mountains of scraps of paper on which she's written down various brilliant ideas. And she needs to run up a sample of the little purse she'd like to sell on-line. And she needs to find the deed the lawyer wants to see in regard to the family business venture.

And redo the bulletin board, which is now in layers.  And call her ophthalmologist for her yearly check-up and the veterinarian for Sonia Dog's semi-annual check-up.  And buy a new battery for her overused computer.  And check IKEA for some decent kitchen chairs.  And drop by WalMart to buy Shredded Wheat because HEB doesn't carry Post anymore.  And consult Click Computers to find out if she actually has Mozy or not and how to get rid of Barracuda, an over-zealous spam filter that took over her email unasked.

Then there are the everyday things, like keeping up with Sonia's training, practicing piano, lifting weights (just five-pounders), and picking up the house.

And to think, her parents kept advising her to stop and smell the roses.  

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