Sunday, June 14, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Fioralla has finally figured it out. There is a dire plot, probably hatched by the New World Order, to do away with chocolate, at least the chocolate products Fio especially likes.

Years ago HEB sold an intensely chocolate cookie. The brand was "Mother's," as Fio recalls, and she adored those cookies. But they soon were no more.

Since then she has shamelessly indulged in HEB's own chocolatety chocolate cookies. But they have disappeared from the bakery displays within the past six months.

Then there is the chocolate marble pound cake that Starbucks has discontinued. And the chocolate and marshmallow swirls Lil' Debbie no longer makes.

Need Fio say more? None of this can be a coincidence. And just wait till Fio tells you about the TV shows she liked that were canceled!

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