Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sugar Sweet

Did Fiorella ever tell you about her diabetes diagnosis?

She was in the hospital to get her ticker checked out and the doctor announced to her that she had diabetes. Fiorella contradicted her, explaining that her family practitioner kept a close watch on her glucose levels. Nevertheless, when evening came 'round, the attendant nurse explained each pill, then said, "And now for your insulin."

Fio protested and the nurse told her she had the right to refuse the insulin, that random fingertip tests are not reliable, and that stress, nitroglycerin, and pain can make the blood sugar shoot up temporarily. Fio refused the insulin and her glucose level was down to 71 within less than 24 hours.

When the doctor came in to sign Fio out of the hospital, she announced that Fio had PRE-diabetes and sent the nutritionist in to lecture at Fio about the diabetic diet.

The day after Fio was released, she called her family doctor to get a lab order for a fasting blood sugar test, which she underwent last week. The results came back a couple of days later: FIORELLA'S GLUCOSE LEVEL IS JUST FINE--NO DIABETES, NO PRE-DIABETES.

To celebrate, Fio made herself sick on a carton of chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs.

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