Saturday, April 25, 2009

More and More Snippets

Husband read in the newspaper that I-Pod is coming out with more musical attachments. At the same time, we are all being urged to return to basics by growing our own vegetables. Personally, Fio would rather sing her own songs and buy carrots at HEB.
Husband also heard that anyone who has Direct TV can now manage the controls by I-phone. This plays into a theory of Fio's, that in the future everything will be controlled by a single wand which select people will spend years training to master. These people will be called witches and wizards and the wand will be call . . . magic.
Another prediction: a fellow teacher once advanced the theory that, soon, only the children of the rich would have sentient beings as their teachers, that everyone else would be instructed by machines. Lately I have realized something even scarier, that many educators are actually looking forward to that day.

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