Sunday, January 11, 2009


Okay, Fiorella has screwed everything around. Remember, her computer skills are somewhat lacking, although more than made up for by her spectacular figure and stunning beauty.

Fio tried to move things around so the "New England Primer Addendum" wouldn't come out for a while and she could sneak in a little paean to sleep she wrote that very morning, but it didn't work right (translation--Fio didn't work it right) and "Addendum" came out on the January 10, but labeled January 15. So what you should do is read the entry about sleep, then file "Addendum" in your mind as Fio's January 15 contribution. Got it?

Except that now Fio has written a four part dealie on the comic strip "For Better or for Worse" and the posting date for "Addendum" is now January 16.

Postscript an hour later. Fiorella figured out how to delete "Addendum" for today so it will come out again on January 16. When you see it again, pretend you haven't read it before.

And if you wish to let Fio know what an idiot she is, just use the "comment" option at the bottom of the entry. In fact, she would appreciate responses now and then so she knows that other people else really do exist somewhere out there in the ether.

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