Monday, January 12, 2009

Far Better and Far Worser

Fiorella is an addict of the newspaper comic strips and, until its recent demise, Lynn Johnston's For Better or for Worse was one of her favorites, although it did get a little sappy toward the end.

Fio liked the way the characters were born, aged, and died, even the dogs, and she liked the way the lives of Johnston's characters resembled real life--always the unexpected, nothing for certain. Given, Fio was a little irritated when Michael wrote his first novel and, without a bit of revision and without even querying the publisher, stuck the whole manuscript in the mail and had it accepted forthwith, but Fio just assumed Johnston did not know any neophyte novelists.

Anyway, Fio misses For Better or for Worse so much that she is dreaming up alternate endings for the characters. Stay tuned for the figments of Fio's fertile imagination.

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