Monday, May 2, 2022


 Okay, Fiorella will admit it: she usually writes her blog the day before publication, however, after yesterday's all-hands-on-deck publication, she gave herself a break, which means that what you're getting now is right off the press.  Does that make any sense?

Ahem...out of the blue, your girl prophesies that Vladami Putin will go down. He's made himself too visible and vulnerable.

That woman who keeps rubbing her left hand against a ridged red plastic cup is yours truly. She's discovered the rubbing is a good way to activate the healing needed for the operation on her hand--along with playing the piano.

Fiorella is getting more and more determined to take up German studies again. That single semester she had way-back-when is gone-with-the-wind, but surely there is some nice native speaker who would like to tutor a studious adult woman. (A small class would also fill the bill.)

ATTENTION: Fio has been playing around with the idea of driving again. 

Sorry if this blogg echoes yesterday's. Your girl is still adjusting to all these new ideas swarming in her head.









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