Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 What the heck has messed up Facebook? Fio can't post anything in it?  H E L P !

 _____________________________________________________________________Hooray for Son--he Solved the problem and kindly re-fixed Fiorella's computer regarding it's going off into who-knows-where. Now to get Fio's clothes out of the drier.... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fiorella is trying to follow the TV news, and it looks like Trump is loosing out. If only he had never even got his foot in the door! (Yes, Fio bawled her eyes out when Hillary got shoved out--and your girl still thinks that it was foul play!)


Fio is board, board, board--nothing has been happening in her neck of the woods and everyone seems to feel the same way. Even the TV is dull.....


Somehow, your girl now has TWO of those white cords that connect her computer to the wall. Maybe someone stuck them in the package in case Fiorella screws up the mechanism again....which she probably will.


Who is Fio kidding? She's board, board, board and not a drop to drink! Will try to do better tomorrow.....

Friday, April 19, 2024


 Hurray! FIorella is on line again--but strangely, she's still crying--maybe because she still has no friends and nothing to do--but also because she mistakenly spread some untrue and hurting information about some people she loves dearly.

And what is Fio doing to breach the gap? Smile, keep her mouth shut, and dive into the many, MANY piles of colored paper stuck in the back quarters of the wall. Then there are books from times way back---and her fingers tapping]with excitement, ready to put them in place.....

But it's all the accumulation of years.... can your girl deal with everything?  


And keep your eyes and ears open for any stray pills rolling around on the floor.....


Your girl would love to have a nice dog, a nice BIG dog like a Collie or a Mastiff or a Weimeraner--but (sigh) such is not to be in a household currently run by two little pugs and a large, mostly white, cat,  although she has to admit that the cat (male) will often come into Fio's room as she dreams at night and purr himself asleep.


 Actually, the first dogs that Beagles that Fio and her late husband had were out of President Lyndon Johnson's stock. Later we picked up strays.....and loved them all. (They were good practice not only for the kids, but the fish, the cats, and every other animal Fio and husband could find.)


Fiorella is thrilled that our communication is back in the saddle again and your girl hopes it will keep heading off to buffalo, as 'tis said. 😁😊😊😊😊😊






Monday, April 15, 2024


 Fio is having trouble with her computer right now, but should survive.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Silly Poetry, Poetry, Poetry!

         An oldie, but a goodie: another one of Fiorella's complaints about the weather, which, for some reason, never seems to pay attention to her 😠😠😠

       Weather Threat

Hey, Mr. Weatherman,                                           

Where's my snow?                                              

The wonderland I ordered up  

A month ago?

  It looks like Spring out--

The grass is green

With not a single snowflake

To be seen--

   Last chance, Mr. Weatherman

Better make it snow

Or else I'll no longer 

Watch your show!


The Whistle-ding-chime-bing-bong Song

    Our teapot whistles

    Our dishwasher dings 

    Our refrigerator chimes

    Our microwave bings

    And our alarm puts out

    One long bong 

    To harmonize

    Our kitchen song!


Yes, I write doodles all the time

And do my best to make them rhyme,

It's cleverness on  Fio's myour help and finebehalf  

Enough to make you smile and laugh😊😊😊



           A Genuinely Silly Poem by Someone in a Hurry

      Eek, eek, eek, and Jim, John, Joe--

I've messed up my poem from head to toe





Here I am running, looking high and low,

     But not at all sure where I should go--

 Except maybe back home on tippy toe--

      And if the sun is drawing low,

      I'll grab up a shovel and hoe, hoe, hoe!


Your girl is going to be shuffling off to Buffalo today or tomorrow to spend some time with her daughter's family, then she'll return to home base and pick up where she left off, for better or worse. In the meantime, she's seen the eclipse--with special glasses, of course--and caught up with Brother and his wife. Fio was thrilled to see the moon play its game, but even more excited to visit with her kin.


Seeing her Fiorella's late parents' belongings being used by the rest of the family (as  she also has done) makes your girl feel warm, as if Mom and Dad are still with her.


 Isn't it great to have a giant black ball splashed across the front of the newspaper rather than politics and the latest murder? Even the Israli--xxXxxx  had to pause.






Friday, April 5, 2024


 Fiorella went all over her room and outside to the trash can to try to find the cord to her computer, and, of course, when she gave up, she glanced toward the edge of her bedstead, and there it was! 

Now for the entertainment:


       Declaration of War

Fiorella is late today 

Not that she has naught to say

Rather that she has far too much

About the state of the world and such--

She wants to rouse the countryside

She wants to echo the world wide

In seeming contradiction, to fight

For love and peace and what is right 



I thought I would never stop crying

That I would never heal

But fire has burned away the dross

And now, I am steel


I'm not big

I'm not strong

Nut at least I know


The Sexes

        Men are strong, but women endure 


In case you are wondering, Fiorella is running through a lot of her oldies so she can find herself again. Age and sorrow has taken it's toll.

Right from wrong


Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Dinner with the Old Belle

     She sat across the restaurant table from us, chewing on her hamburger steak, then spitting it into her napkin, which she had discreetly emptied beneath the table. I knew from past experience that when she finished her meal, she would wrap the leftover rolls in a Kleenex and stuff them inside her purse. 

     It was hard to stomach eating across from her, but she was family, and I knew my obligation.

     "Joyce" was a widow, my husband's much older sister. Her hands were gnarled from arthritis, purple blotches colored her arms, her head bobbed, and her voice didn't work right. She had once been beautiful, a debutante, the belle of the ball. Now she died her hair red in the the bathtub, then insisted it was it's, natural color and dressed in bargains from the thrift store although she could afford much better. This evening she had hung a cameo from her neck by a large safety pin that wicked at me whenever she moved.

      In fact, she looked like a bag lady we were treating to a decent meal.

     The dinner conversation was strained. I remember that she asked us for ideas as to wear she could meet men her age, and all we could think of was antique car shoes.

As we left the restaurant, a flurry of white-haired women came in--laughing, well-groomed, confident women enjoying each other's company. They recognized Joyce as a schoolmate and called her name, smiled, and reached out to her, but Joyce shrank away in horror......

     She was too young to be as old as the were.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024