Sunday, May 14, 2023


 Fiorella, clumsy as always, has banged her left toe on the door and IT HURTS! She tried bandaging it with a couple of--well--plastic bandages--but they just acerbated the wound, which means your girl is going to be hippity-hoppitying around the house for a while and she won't be able to make her daily walk around the cul-de-sac. Also, she's lost her shiny new glasses--GRRRRR TWICE OVER!

On the other hand, the newly arranged inside of her bedroom is still looking good, and Fio may be able to add a couple of things to make it look better--and maybe even locate her missing glasses! (Could the cat have made off with them?)


 May 14--OOOPS! Fio is late again--family problems. 

Fio will compensate by sending you a short-short she wrote a while back. It's called "Paradise."

George was relieved to find out that every day in Heaven was, well, heavenly, and even more relieved to see that each day was as lovely as the day before--the sunrise was always a blushing gold, the sunset always a drama of orange and black, the grass was always green and smelled of eternal spring, and when he played golf with his spirit guide he and always won.

In fact, after a while, the perfection got somewhat boring....

"I really didn't know heaven would be so much the same all the time," the new entry said to his spirit guide.

The being looked at him in surprise and grinned. "What made you think this is heaven?"

   ***********************************************************************************Couldn't Couldn't resist printing this little poem I wrote a while back which I may or may not have posed earlier:

I missed the trash

But the bag will last

   Until the coming week--

There's not that much

 But just enough

     That the neighbors will really freak!

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