Oops, please forgive her--Fio almost missed a day😀
Today was (uh) interesting--or maybe more like unbelievable.... Your girl got in a fight with a nurse. Not in a hospital, thank goodness, but over the phone, and Fiorella still doesn't know what to make of it, or if she'll ever feel safe entering that woman's territory again.
The whole thing started when Fio had heart surgery about a year back. Some very nice nurses took care of her, and they they also taught her all about the various pills necessary to her health, and your girl has never had a pill problem till today.
And, of all people, it was from a nurse....
Fio had gone through the latest print-outs of her permitted pills and noted that one of them that was still on her list that had been removed earlier by the doctor who had done her heart surgery about a year ago. Not knowing what to do about the situation, she called his office and the surgeon's assistant kindly explained that the surgeon had good reason to remove that pill from my list, and that if the people at the other hospital would call her, and she'd explain it all.
Sighing in relief, Fiorella, who'd spent a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time on hold all afternoon, finally got through to the first hospital again and reported her findings, but the female nurse who answered on the hospital line told Fio off. Apparently, she thought your girl, who knows nothing about the world of medicine, should have talked to the surgeon rather than his assistant.
Not Fiorella's best day......
shouldn't be
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