Monday, November 22, 2021

On and On

 Whaddya know? Fiorella discovered that her cell phone hasn't been working for who knows how long because the box in front of the ultimate power source had edged semi-loose from its moorings. Wow--a typewriter never did that. (Is your girl showing her age?) 

Fio spent about two hours this afternoon on one of her favorite sports--working on a jigsaw puzzle. It was slow going, of course, but every time your girl decided to call it quits for the day, she suddenly had a run of good luck. Hmm...maybe she should go to a casino and see what happens.

Two phone calls in one day--this morning, one from her friend in England, and, this afternoon, one from Son K in Minnesota. Happy days! 

Guess who spent her whole evening finishing off Son L's front part of his puppet theater featuring Kermit the Frog? Needless to say, she could have done a better job if she'd had a couple more days to work on it, but Son isn't complaining.

Tomorrow, Fio will have to get back to work on Lolly again--after she's cleaned up the total mess she made of her studio when she was working on Son L's puppet theater.






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