Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blog on the Run

 WWWWWWHAT happened  to the three pieces Fio wrote this morning? Well, looks like she's starting all over again....

Fiorella has made more progress on the cute little front room. She's been edging heavy bookcases around  and trying different settings to make everything as nice and inviting as possible. The piano, which won't arrive till next week, will be the center of attraction, with a set of tall shelves on both sides of it which will  hold stacks of music on the bottom and family lovelies on the top. Of course, there have been changes along the way--and still will be more--but the basic plan is in place. Can hardly wait till the piano arrives!

Oh, Fio should have added that she moved the rest of the furniture around too so that now there is a banked seat and smaller chest against the front window--and yes, HOORAY--your girl figured out a way to get a full-length mirror opposite the front window so that she can check if she looks presentable before she goes out anywhere.

Oh, Fiorella forgot to tell you that she moved a big desk (complete with top that looks like a church window*) into a corner so that anybody who needs to pay bills or whatever can have a place to sit down and look over his finances. 

All in all, Fio is having a great time. She's not only creating a lovely scene, but a sensible arrangements of the furniture that has served her family well through the years. May it give us comfort and good service for many years to come.

*I'll probably remember the name of it as soon as I post.

AAAAAAAND the forgotten word was S E C R E T A R Y !

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