Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fio's Voice

 Had a nice call from Brother today. Not only does Fio enjoy talking to him, but it's good practice for your girl who's voice went numb during the snowstorm and who is still suffering from it. (Luckily, she can still think and write.)

The rest of the family is out today so Fiorella has the house to herself and--oops...she started to say "Sonia Dog," but that solace has been ripped from her forever.

Reading through her first published romance, Fio doesn't like the final chapter, the wedding scene, which as she remembers, was called for by the publishers. Your girl wanted it to end it all with Laurel and Jase flying off to her Hollywood hometown to meet her family, then getting married there, and, earlier in the story, she would have liked to have kept in her her references to teen age drug problems in small towns, something she heard about all the time when she was teaching. 

Of course, with self-publishing now being the rage, things may have changed, and as soon as Fiorella completes this blog, she'll start working on Lolly again. And if Lolly doesn't make it, there are plenty more old scripts for Fio to look over. And if none of them work out, your girl will gather all--ALL--of her poetry together for publication!





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