Thursday, October 14, 2021

Good Tidings

Congratulate Fiorella--she got her taxes in on time. She walked up to the community mailbox in late morning as a Post Office truck--probably loaded to the hilt with last-minute filers like Fio's--pulled away from the curb and started a turn-around to head to the main road. Your girl, who's never been accused of being shy, immediately sprung into action,  yelling and waving her envelope. The driver paused, grinned, and stuck it in his bag. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Am watching Sonia Dog closely. She's older than Fiorella in dog years and has arthritis and a bad shoulder. Hoping the special food supplements and the pain pills that Fio ordered from the vet will come soon.

Whoopee--Fiorella and Son L will be driving over to Pf tomorrow to claim more of her belongings--and her Halloween decorations, if they can find them. Would love to claim the piano too, but that's even more iffy.

Double whoopee! Your girl read through her second published book today, the first time she's ever done so, and THE STORY HOLDS! In fact, it's FABULOUS! Why in the world did she get so self-conscious about it?

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