Thursday, June 17, 2021

Up to Date Reporting

 Son L kindly drove your girl over to the office of her new heart doctor and apparently she's in surprisingly good shape, especially for someone whose motto is "a chocolate a day keeps the doctor away." A couple of tests have been scheduled and some of her meds have been changed around, but so far, everything seems to look good. Cross your fingers....

Son stopped by HEB on the way back to the house so Fio could stock up on her weekly groceries--another notch in her recovery from the horridity she experienced earlier in the year--but it would be even better if she could ease into driving again. After all, Son really doesn't have the time to cart his mother all over Austin, and she herself wants not only to be able to handle her own medical appointments, but to visit with her lady friends whenever she wants to.

Tomorrow's the day! Daughter will zip by about noon and whisk Fio off on a shopping trip. Fiorella, as you know, has been wearing yesteryears's clothes and yesteryear's shoes ever since Husband died, so it's time to shake up her wardrobe a little. Who knows--maybe a tall, handsome, white-haired charmer will appear on her horizon. In the meantime, your girl will continue to work on making her bedroom livable and her studio stunning--beware, the blown-up cover of her first romance is taped to the back of the entry door!









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