Friday, June 25, 2021

From Morning to Evening

MORNING:  Fiorella is rearranging her bookcases and it's hard labor, but the good part of the day will be when Son L hangs that self-portrait you've been hearing so much about in the wall above her bed. Hoping he'll also hang a smaller painting for her--a landscape--above the mini-fridge. And if your girl is really lucky, he'll even open the un-openable drawer in the middle of a venerable chest.

LATER: Son got the painting on up and it makes the room, but he couldn't get the middle drawer of the chest open so Fiorella sat herself down in front of that dang chest and stared at it for about twenty minutes, considering--after all, she was the holder of the keys and it would have been odd for her to have locked up the middle drawer and not the others, so why not try again? Maybe, if she opened the top and bottom drawers, the middle drawer would follow suit.

And VOILA! It worked!

AFTERNOON: However, in her exuberancy, Fio somehow lost that old German language book that she was using to keep up with Cousin Tom, whose Deutsch is a lot better than your girl's. Ah well, das buch will turn up eventually. 

EVENING: It wasn't until Fiorella went out to give Sonia Dog her last chance of the day to relieve herself that she realized the chiggers, her sworn enemies, were were also art. Yep, your girl is itching from the knees on down.





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