Tuesday, June 22, 2021

From Across the Waves to Poignant Memories

 Fiorella has had a busy morning. She not only visited with friend Suzy across the ocean blue, but did the initial arrangement of the library-style bookshelves in her studio. Next will come the bookshelf that stands alone on one side of the chest of drawers, then the one that stands on the other side of it. If your girl can figure out how to do that job, she'll make a floor plan and post it for you.

Fio's brother called her today, which she really appreciated. Not only did they exchange family news, but it was an exercise in talking for Fiorella, which your girl still needs. Yes, that overactive panic button is playing the same old tricks.

Fiorella has had very good FB reactions to her treatment of the large, long window in her bedroom. Thank you, one and all, and just wait till you see the completed studio in all its glory--she's carried the montage theme all the way through.

 Your girl was pondering why Doc Martin became her TV favorite even when the lead was a bit of a grouch and the answer is that the hero had flaws but didn't sleep around and bodies weren't piling up right and left. Also, the setting was interesting and exciting.

Tomorrow would have been Husband's birthday and Fiorella still misses him. He had his own problems, but Fio always knew he loved her.💗


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