Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Emoji Low-down

 😠Oh, great! The American Statesman is delivering Fio's newspaper again, but today, the comics section didn't make it. How the heck could anyone forget to print Luann?

💗Glorious words.  Son L complemented your girl's outfit and asked her if she'd lost weight!

 😒What's next for Fio's day? Straightening out a credit card problem which was probably caused by The Snowstorm and her address change.

😢Fiorella was a born romantic. From second grade on, she had a crush on some boy or other in her class, which usually ended up in weeping embarrassment when she accidentally revealed herself. The scars run so deep that she can still remember their names


😠I hope that the roomba 

That buzzes my room-a

And tries to bust open my door 

Will, not later, but soon-a

Meet with it's doom-a

And be ashes on the floor





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