Thursday, January 14, 2021

My Life as an Indian plus Further Contemplation

 Fiorella's identity mis-identification probably started when she was a little girl in Ohio watching old movies on TV. Thus, when she and friend Barbara Tromer played cowboys and Indians on the empty lot next door, Fio, the leader, was the latter. Why? Maybe because she'd seen Indians on TV--tall, handsome, well-spoken, and noble. Or maybe she was drawn to their differentness the same way she has always been drawn to foreign languages and practices. Remember, your girl still has a couple of nice saris folded away in her closet.

Or maybe it's just that she's always been an actress and defined her own part, whether on stage or not, just as she does when she writes this post. One thing for certain--when digging deeper into her own self, she always has to ask "which self?" 

Why all the ruminating? Because moving out of her current house is a giant life change. Fio will leave her beloved forest home and share a house with her Son  and his family. While she'll be able to get to know her only grandchild, she'd also be accountable to her son and his wife which, with Fiorella's personality, could cause problems. It will be good to be through with packing and planning, which means your girl can write or paint again....if she remembers how. The fear of her life is that her paintings or her half-finished stories may have been damaged in storage.



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