Fio has been in a daze ever since Trump's horde rioted The Capitol. No, no, it can't be happening! This is the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We don't destroy our history. We don't trample our fellow citizens. We don't try to force our political beliefs on others. BUT TRUMP DOES!
In case you follow Fiorella on FaceBook under one of her other names, she's been banned for three days because she said that Daddy Putin is smiling this morning; that if the Rosenbergs were electrocuted, Trump should be too; and something else clever and well-worded that she doesn't remember. JUST THINK! ME, SWEET FIORELLA, BANNED for not adhering to community standards! It's ridiculous!
Being banned by FB also means that your girl cannot post anything to remind people about THE CAPTIVE CHILDREN, so would you please do so (on an orange background) for the next three days? Meanwhile, your Fio will scheme and simmer. Maybe her next post will be about free speech!
Fiorella finds it interesting that FaceBook is censoring her for telling the truth about Trump and his crew, but a couple of years back, it totally ignored the verbal attacks that a former schoolmate launched on her!
Ah hah! Fio, who's of the experimental mode, has discovered that she can still open up house advertisements and still use Messenger to communicate with distant friends!
P.S: FINALLY FOUND OUT MY FACEBOOK SINS. On January 8, I had said that if the Rosenbergs were electrocuted for treason, Trump should be electrocuted twice over, and that on May 2 and August 21, I had sarcastically said "Heil Hitler."
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