Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thank you, Michael and Kathy!

Hooray! The work on the flagstone pathway that will take care of Fio's erosion problem has begun, and, thanks to her neighbors to the south, it's going to cost a lot less than a contractor quoted your girl a couple of months ago. Now to get hold of her yardman and hire him to do the actual work laying down of the brick.
Fio is also progressing with Lolly's story, although she still has to make occasional calls to Mac Central when she messes up on the computer. Hmm...her PCs never gave her this must trouble-- except for the last one, of course, which ate up her revisions.
Fiorella was bewailing the loss of her languages when suddenly neenu telegoolo maTlaaDa galanoo cartwheeled into her brain, followed by kennen zee auf deutsch sprechen, ya gavaroo pa roosky, nee-hau-mah, and bits of Spanish, French, and Hindi. Of course, all she remembers is smatters, but she treasured every one of her languages except Sanskrit, which was probably was because the teacher didn't like her and the feeling was mutual
   PS: Fio used to know a few words in Arabic and Vietnamese too.
It gives Fiorella a thrill when she  goes through old papers and finds gems from the past, when she was a real person. Almost everything she does now is related to Husband's death. Writing is her only escape. Ah, the joys of make-believe....
Fiorella's favorite daydream nowadays is still that Trump, Pence, and McConnell fade out of the picture before the election and our Nancy has a three-month presidency during which she fixes everything Trump messed up and sets our country right again.

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